Verse sample 1:
We request the honor of your presence
for the renewal of vows of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanks
on Sunday, the twentieth of November
two thousand and eleven
at half past three in the afternoon
at Thomas and Christina's Home
333 Nowhere Drive
Somewhereville, MA
Verse sample 2:
and Thomas
invite you to share in the continuation of our love
as we exchange our vows once again
on Sunday, the twenty-seventh of November
two thousand and eleven
at six o'clock in the evening
Thomas and Christina's Home
Verse sample 3:
In our life of love and friendship......
The honour of your presence is requested
at the reaffirmation of wedding vows of
Christina and Thomas Hanks
on Sunday, the twentieth of November
two thousand and eleven
at four o'clock in the afternoon
Pines Park
San Clemente, California